
This subject can be confusing to think of since it seems evident. If politics is governing people, how could it be done without a certain amount of trust, hence truth, or as commonly used: transparency? Aren’t politicians supposed to be honest towards their fellow citizens who elected them, and whom they are representing? The exercise…

Truth in Politics

Searching for the definition of Rhetoric proves quite interesting. One of the Oxford definitions is: “speech or writing intended to be effective and influence people”. Another one, right next to the first one says: “clever language that sounds good but is not sincere or has no real meaning”. This could sum up the point I will…

References and reflection

Machiavelli N. Chapter XVIII: Concerning the Way in Which Princes Should Keep Faith. In Machiavelli N. The Prince. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2000   Aristotle. I, 2, 1356 a. In Aristotle Rhetoric. In Richard C. Jebb’s translation, 1924. Arendt, H. (1972). Crises of the Republic: Lying in politics ; Civil disobedience ; On violence ;…